The impact of rising energy costs on the construction industry
The energy crisis has impacted the construction industry The impact of rising energy costs on the construction industry included eye-watering fuel prices that led to a spike in material costs. Ultimately resulting in many projects being postponed. On the plus side, the energy crisis has brought forward infrastructure projects and encouraged energy efficiency improvements. The […]
Sustainability of structural steel
Structural steel can be made with basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS). It can also be produced using electric arc furnace (EAF) production. Steel is infinitely recyclable and both methods use recycled steel. One of the differences is that BOS steel is predominately made from raw materials. The BOS process combines iron ore with coke and about […]
Rising construction costs suppress project-starts
The August Glenigan index highlights a downward trend across most sector verticals. Similar to the July Glenigan index, the construction industry recovery continues to be held back by several factors. This includes the Russia-Ukraine war and global materials shortages, which are contributing towards rising construction costs. The weaker economic outlook has continued to negatively affect […]
How office architecture uplifts communities
Social value of office architecture Architects are able to influence positive change to drive long term transformation. This article looks at how office architecture uplifts communities by adding social value to commercial buildings. As Churchill put it, “We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us”. Office architecture is evolving to embed social value […]
On-site actions for sustainable construction
Environmental practices to deliver during build stage Sustainability in construction is becoming more important as the industry works towards global net zero targets. Sustainable construction practices should be embedded into all stages of a project – from design, to construction to end-use. They must be examined to identify how to sustainably use resources and […]
Reaching net zero using whole lifecycle assessments
How comprehensive carbon calculations will deliver sustainable construction As the construction industry edges closer to net zero deadlines sustainable construction processes must continue to be a priority, irrespective of new challenges arising along the way. Embedding practices that deliver environmentally-sound projects is made more straightforward thanks to industry-wide guidance and frameworks for measuring […]